Z3S5 Lisp

This is the home of Z3S5 Lisp, a Lisp interpreter written in Go that can be embedded into Go programs or run in standalone mode.


Z3S5 Lisp is hosted on Github. Head to the repository and download the archive, or use the instructions in the Readme file and user manual to learn how to include a Z3S5 Lisp interpreter into your program. Pre-built binaries are currently only available for AMD64 GNU/Linux.

Z3S5 Machine

Z3S5 Lisp is part of a larger emulator for a virtual Lisp machine from the 1980s of a parallel universe. The machine has hi res graphics, sprites, object persistence, sound synthesis, a preferences system, a music sequencer, and a lot more. It is quirky but functional and under active development. The machine is proprietary software and will be released a commercially when it's ready.